Every Industry is Different with SEO and Social Media – Part 2



  • Pinterest has recently surged its way to the number 3 spot as most popular platform on social media
  • 21 percent of all adults in the U.S. are using it.
  • 84 percent of those are female – making it the 2nd most popular website for this demographic.

It’s ideal for ecommerce companies, as not only is a Pinterest pin worth more than any additional social endorsement, these companies remain influential for a longer time period. This is because users keep scrolling down the search results.

Businesses that should be on Pinterest

Home hardware stores, jewelers, photographers, and fashion. Image-dominated, female-dominated Pinterest facts make it simple for the brands that naturally lend themselves in that direction, and challenging for the ones that don’t.

Tip: Brands that have robust pin integration have an 82 percent higher re-pin/pin ratio than normal. Robust pins include brand pins that have more information than regular pinned photos. The majority of companies wanting to gain sales from Pinterest are going to be most intrigued by product pins that involve more company links, the availability, price, and location to buy the product.



  • This site touts itself as a ‘professional social network’Industry seo differences
  • 38 percent of users that have an income of over $75k are on LinkedIn.
  • 79 percent of users are aged 35 and up, making it the oldest medium on the list.
  • 27 percent of U.S. employed
  • The 3 dominant industries include high tech (14.3 percent), finance (12.4 percent) and manufacturing (10.1 percent). Note also that the legal industry comprises a meager 1.4 percent of users.

But, only 13 percent of users sign in on a daily basis. Individuals use this site to find jobs, check on business partners, and sometimes network – things they’ll do occasionally, instead of on an hourly basis such as users of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Businesses that should be on LinkedIn

All professionals ought to be on LinkedIn, as an individual. It is also recommended that all professional businesses be on LinkedIn, although the effort needed to sustain your presence there is substantially less than additional sites. Periodically check in to make sure your profile is stable – yet concentrate your precious energy and time on the more awareness-increasing and revenue-generating channels.

Tip: Before joining a group, check its statistics. Be certain the demographics fit yours, and the group is active. Otherwise you will be wasting time searching for social endorsements which won’t happen.


There isn’t one solution for everyone. All industries are different and everyone should not be copying everybody else or believing everything they read. However, doing a similar campaign or strategy to a larger practice similar to yours in the exact same industry can be a good start while collecting data.